New Customization of Bracket for Android Kiosk
Users are looking for the available and convenit way to convenient their transaction process.

Space Saving
Vmax has developed a machine with the smallest surface area but the greatest ease of use according to retailers' requirements of the least intrusion on their counter space.
Creative Structure
The creative structure for self-service kiosk with special bracket, a touch screen display, built-in desktop thermal barcode printer, meets all these needs for shopkeepers.
User Experience
Vmax understands the requirements of the end users of the applications for a speedy and uncomplicated experience.

Vmax Provides the Customizable Service for Android Self-service Kisok Terminal’s Bracket with Touch Screen and Thermal Printer

Android Self-order Terminal Machine with Creative Designers for Saving Space in the Retail Stores
New Neoteric Design
Special Bracket for All-in-one Android Kiosk
A customizable stand for retail pos system with touch and printer,saves the space for counter cash register and speed the transaction process.
If your retailers have any special but greatly specific requirements for android machines, like all-in-one terminals or self-service kiosks, even to add barcode readers and rear display, you could call us to ask for assistance from our experts for further improvements.